4055 NW 97th Ave. suite # 108 Doral, FL. 33178

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Why Choose EyeCare Boutique for Visual Field Testing?


Our team of highly skilled optometrists and technicians are dedicated to providing accurate and reliable Visual Field Testing services.

State-of-the-Art Technology

utilize cutting-edge technology and equipment to perform precise and detailed Visual Field Testing.

Personalized Care

We understand that every individual is unique, and we take the time to address your specific concerns and needs.

Comprehensive Eyecare Services

Whether you require vision correction or are seeking preventive care, we have you covered.

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Your Premier Destination for Visual Field Testing

At EyeCare Boutique, we pride ourselves on offering comprehensive eyecare services tailored to meet your individual needs. Our Visual Field Testing service is designed to assess your peripheral vision, providing valuable insights into your overall eye health. Whether you're seeking routine screenings or have specific concerns, our experienced team is here to assist you every step of the way.

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What is Visual Field Testing?

Visual Field Testing is a crucial diagnostic tool used to evaluate the full horizontal and vertical range of vision. It helps detect any abnormalities or vision loss that may indicate underlying eye conditions such as glaucoma, retinal disorders, or neurological issues. By identifying potential issues early on, Visual Field Testing plays a vital role in preserving your eyesight and maintaining optimal eye health.

Why is Visual Field Testing important?

How is Visual Field Testing conducted?

Visual Field Testing involves the patient focusing on a central point while responding to visual stimuli appearing in different areas of their peripheral vision. This can be done using various techniques such as automated perimetry or manual methods, depending on the specific requirements of the patient and the condition being evaluated.

Who should undergo Visual Field Testing?

Visual Field Testing is recommended for individuals experiencing symptoms such as peripheral vision loss, blind spots, or other visual disturbances. Additionally, those at risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma, individuals with a family history of eye conditions, or patients with certain systemic conditions (like diabetes) may benefit from regular visual field evaluations.

How often should Visual Field Testing be done?

The frequency of Visual Field Testing depends on individual risk factors, age, and the presence of any eye conditions. Your eye care provider will recommend the appropriate schedule for testing based on your specific needs.

Schedule Your Appointment Today:

Experience the difference of personalized eye care at EyeCare Boutique. Contact us today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam and discover the perfect contact lenses tailored to your needs.

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